Sunday, May 10, 2009

Its Time

Apathy and complacency have become far too acceptable in my generation. Imagine that the future of our great nation, the GREATEST NATION in the world, in the hands of those who have deserted their morals and values. A people who's standards are so low that, "reaching for the stars" or "shooting for the moon" are no longer aspirations or even slightly motivating, because we don't really care or believe we can make an actual difference. Everyone runs from their responsibitlies claiming that there is no absolute truth and my wrongs may be right for you. Imagine how that philosophy could gray the lines between death and life. With a thinking like that, someone could step on the street and be offended by the way someone looked at them and a life could be ended. Is this a drastic insight? I don't think so. According to new age thinking, who has the right to tell me what is wrong or right? What do we base truth and lies on? How do we know when a crime is worthy of jail-time or capital punishment...or even is murder actually a crime? or just someone's view of "truth"? These are the foundational and basic principal ideals that our country was founded upon. These questions that used to be so easily answered for most and commonly understood are now confusing to my generation. I believe there is a place to find the answers, a place to build a foundation, a place to define the line of confusion between absolute truth and absolute wrong. This source is the most widely read book in the world. It has made it through countless wars and attempts to destroy every copy but yet it we can still hold it in our hands. The written word of Jesus Christ. The Bible. It cannot be destroyed.