Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"When God Writes Your Love Story"

I haven't found too many "relationship books" that really strike me as a GREAT book. And I definitely have found very few that I would recommend. However, I found one that I have found to be extremely inspirational and a great read for anyone in any form of a relationship. "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy, is written from both of their viewpoints so the book is not simply "lady-friendly" but would be an awesome read for guys. Their intense focus on the purity of heart in your relationships and placing God at the center has definitely given me some motivation to examine my life in more areas then only my relationship with my boyfriend. It shows vividly the effect God's hand plays in making every relationship as beautiful as He intended it to be.

As If 20 Weren't Enough...

I find that all throughout life God is full of mysteries and surprises...all of which when I look back show His complete sovereignty and control. I've moved 20 times...and its about to become 21. The bad economy shows its head in all sorts of ugly ways lately but while it would be very easy to become sad and stressed about where life is taking us...I keep remembering how all the other times that life seems confusing, distressing and almost hopeless; every time I can look over all that has happened I see God's all loving and powerful hand orchestrating all the strings of my life. Because of this...I don't have to worry...and I look on another unexpected move as another line on my record :). I realize that I don't have the ability to see the entire picture the way my Heavenly Father does...and because of that, no matter how confusing or frightening the unknown can be, I know that I have the very best designer for my life. He knows exactly what is going to happen and as many of the songs penned by the old hymn writers say "He Cares For Me".

Friday, August 21, 2009

Famous Jerks of the Bible?

If you are looking for a great devotional book for a young teenager I highly recommend this one.

"Famous Jerks of the Bible" by Margaret Brouillette gives an excelent and exciting look into 12 Bible characters. I was a counselor at my favorite camp one summer and I did one of these stories with my girls every night in our cabin. At first I shied away from it simply because of the title but in the beginning of the book the author explains the meaning behind it. Even for adults it can prove to be an interesting little study. We should never consider ourselves too advanced in our Christian life to go back to the life accounts of the people in the Bible. These are not just childish stories we learn in Sunday school. They are history.


This has got to be one of my most favorite practical and useful investments :) I am busy busy all day long at my work and sometimes there just isn't time to get to a sink and pull out the toothpaste. These little things are way better than any kind of average toothpick or even the finger brush things. Local grocery stores sometimes sell them 2 for a dolloar. (Each pack has 2 also). So every time a run to the store I stock up :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Support for Our Marines

In one of my earlier posts I wrote about a cause that my sister was heading up to send care packages to our Marines in Afghanistan.

Thank you to all my co-workers for putting together our first care package!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hands, House, and Heart Full: The Bloggest Loser (5/6/09)

This Is My America: The Bloggest Loser Contest

The Bloggest Loser

Kris from Hands, House, and Heart Full is hosting an awesome contest! One I'm personally very excited about :) Its called The Bloggest Loser. Many of you will know exactly what kind of contest this is ;). Weigh-ins are every Friday. There will be a prize at the end of 20 weeks just as an extra motivator for those of us who need it :) (ME INCLUDED) Here are the rules. To join head over to HER BLOG!

1) No one gets 'booted' off--I'm not the 'bootin' type
2) Weigh in once a week on Fridays...I would prefer a picture of your scale but if you're too shy to post it on your blog I will accept it via e-mail
3) If you enter contest I need to know your beginning weight--I will take your word for it but I need some kind of picture for proof--whether it be a picture of yourself or your scale. (I believe most people are honest when it counts--hopefully that's true!)
4) I will calculate everyone's % of weight lost each week and post who the 'Bloggest Loser' of the week is.
5) All weekly 'Bloggest Loser's' names will be placed into a hat for the 'consolation prize' drawing--winner of said prize will receive a $10 Wally World gift card at the end of the contest.
6) At the end of the contest I will calculate who lost the highest % of weight overall. This person will receive a $25 gift card to the store of their choice.
7) You must sign the Mr. Linky with a link to your blog in order to be eligible.
8) You must use the same scale each week for your picture...different scales will show different numbers after all